Meet the team
Pentagram is a multi-disciplinary, independently owned design studio.Our work encompasses graphics and identity, strategy and positioning, products and packaging, exhibitions and installations, websites and digital experiences, advertising and communications, data visualizations and typefaces, sound and motion. Our 24 partners are all practicing designers, and whether working collaboratively or independently, they do so in friendship. of a div block.
Our structure is unique. We are the only major design studio where the owners of the business are the creators of the work and serve as the primary contact for every client. This reflects our conviction that great design cannot happen without passion, intelligence and—above all—personal commitment, and is demonstrated by a portfolio that spans five decades, many industries, and clients of every size.
snap solver
Snap Solver
Akshatha Ajith always has an instant solution and will immediately light up the room with her design shine.
Agent detail
Agent Detail
Aparna Menon never fails to add a fresh perspective and will not hesitate to stand for what she believes in.
imaginative instigator
Imaginative Instigator
Aparna Rajagopalan brings with her a curiosity that’s wholly contagious and thinks of new ways to research truly vexing questions that clients throw at us.
Navigator Ninja
Sapna Behar is a keen observer of the many dimensions of change in Healthcare Systems. She constantly evolves our practice of Design so that we participate effectively within this Innovative ecosystem.
animation architect
Animation Architect
Jayshree V  immerses herself in the world of motion and graphics and knows how to find her way amidst light and shadow.
Industrial Wizard
Industrial Wizard
Maria Christopher owns a creativity that knows no limits and always figures a way to engineer designed products to life.
show starter
Show Starter
Namrata Iyer is up to date. Period. And knows how to leverage this edge in all things research and design.
.xls acrobat
.xls Acrobat
Nandini Chaubey confidently steers through projects and timelines and has all chaos controlled under her spell.
dreamy doodler
Dreamy Doodler
Noel Puthoor brings ideas alive through thoughtful graphic design and illustration. There's more than a handful of warmth added to everything he does.
volcanic wordsmith
Volcanic Wordsmith
Roshini Raghunathan loves to use words to bring ideas to life and create new pathways to better concepts. You will never ever see her shy away from some food for thought, no matter what time of day.
Creative Maverick
George Mathews believes that Design is Future Thinking in action. He is enthusiastic about embedding Design discovery & practice in every possible space where change is the preferred next step.
stealth artist
Stealth Artist
Sehaj Gujral quietly adds innovation to user experiences and interfaces and will look at complexities of UX and UI with calm and humor.
tech avenger
Tech Avenger
Shilpa Bhat combats our toughest design challenges and converts them to delightful Tech. Our design explorations are absorbed and shot back as Tech solutions.
peaceful powerhouse
Peaceful Powerhouse
Shruti Kabo never hesitates to dive into the deep to add a pop of color and life to all things design. She peacefully allows her right brain talk to her left through pictures.
Dream dev
Dream Dev
Surabhi Shivmath has technology grooving to her own beats and can easily tech develop any code that comes her way.
pixel diva
Pixel Diva
Vaanchhita Raj creatively plays around with visual interfaces and ensures that style is never lost in either the frame or button or icon.
Shape shifter
Shape Shifter
Vedant Manwadkar effortlessly fits into the role he is assigned and always has a jugaad hidden up his sleeve. More than a trick, this ability expands our capability in ever new directions.
creative dynamite
Digital Catalyst
Aarya Prabhukeluskar holds a great eye for perfection in anything he does and transforms designs and prototypes with his innovative perspective.